
Here on the Darß between the lagoons and the Baltic, people live very close to nature. The Darß-Museum explains what makes the area’s landscape so unique and how it relates to the unique customs of the peninsula’s people.

From the first Stone Age settlement to the development of the peninsula as a resort in the twentieth century, the museum displays the highlights of its collections about the area’s sailing days, its architecture , and the unique plant species that make their home on the Darß.

A tour through the listed building covers a wide range of interesting subjects without overwhelming guests. Also worth seeing is the garden with its oaks that have stood here for centuries. The Darß-Museum redesigned its display space and opened a new museum shop in 2008.

All Darß-Museum events are listed in our Calendar. Temporary exhibitions are also frequently on display and on every Friday, the museum staff speak with all guests in the traditional Low German dialect of the region.


Waldstraße 48
18375 Ostseebad Prerow

T 038 233 069 750
darss-museum(at) ostseebad-prerow.de


Verein zur Förderung der Heimatpflege und des Darß-Museums e.V.
(Association for advancement of homeland history and Darß-Museum)

Bank: Sparkasse Vorpommern
Account: 572 001 517
Bank code: 150 505 00
IBAN: DE 05 1505
0500 0572 0015 17

The museum has been closed since 2020 due to expansion and renovation work. 

The Age of Sailing

Privation and rough. The sailors didn’t always have a tailwind. The mid-19th century was the zenith of sea travel and 90 % of Prerow’s population worked the seas.
© Antje Hückstädt

© Hanna Treuger


Region Covered

The Darß-Museum collects cultural and natural history artefacts from the Fischland-Darß-Zingst region.


The collection is intended to teach visitors about local geological conditions, the prehistoric and early history of the people who lived here, and their way of life and social conditions (living and working environment, architecture, folk art, customs and traditions, language).

A primary focus is on the main ways the locals have earned their living over the centuries: fishing, seafaring and tourism, as well as agriculture and forestry.

Cultural History Collection

  • Prehistory and early history
  • Middle Ages, Slavic period
  • Fischland-Darß-Zingst ethnography
  • Fishing equipment
  • Maritime history of the 18th and 19th centuries
  • Local homes
  • The Darß as a resort
  • Art

We are looking for:

Knüttbock, Knüttelkasten, Aaleisen, Hechteisen, fishermen’s workwear, old fishing equipment, swimwear before 1950

Natural History Collections

  • Geology (rocks, fossils, amber)
  • Ornithology (birds)
  • Zoology (mammals)
  • Entomology (insects, butterflies)
  • Botany (plants)

Historic Tours

Walk in the footsteps of the ancient mariners or learn interesting facts about the development of the swimming culture in Prerow. Historic postcard © Darß-Museum

We look forward
to your visit!

Kur- und Tourismusbetrieb
Ostseebad Prerow
Gemeindeplatz 1
18375 Ostseebad Prerow

T +49 (382 33) 610 0
F +49 (382 33) 610 20
M info(at)ostseebad-prerow.de