
You can be there as experts talk about bald eagles or geologists reveal the secrets of amber. Prerow hosts all sorts of talks on history, nature, and current events.

Sometimes in the old Seemannskirche, frequently at Kulturkaten Kiek In or the Darß-Museum. For example, Mario Müller, eagle coordinator for the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is a frequent speaker. He reports the annual breeding statistics and tags the young birds to allow them to be tracked. He regularly tells about his close encounters with the wonderful wildlife of the region in talks illustrated with lots of photos and accompanied by music.

“Tales of the forest, the water, and the wind: history and stories from the Darß” are regularly offered by Alfred Kayserling. This talk at the Kulturkaten Kiek In is suitable for first-time visitors to the Darß. Those who have fallen in love with the area’s colourful front doors will love what Antje Hücktädt has to share with them. In her presentation “Buildings on the Darß Yesterday and Today”, we learn about the history of Darß buildings and the magic symbols often featured on the peninsula’s house doors.

To mark Darßer Bernsteinwoche (Amber week) at the end of January each year, a series of talks on the “gold of the sea” are offered.

But this is just a little foretaste. To find out what talks will be offered while you’re on holiday on the Darß, check out our calendar of events.


Wild beaches, wild herbs, and the wonderful feeling of being at one with nature: nature is mostly untouched and thriving on the Darß peninsula. © René Roloff

& Tradition

Decorated house doors, a lighthouse, and authentic seafaring adventures. There are a lot of sides to Prerow’s adventurous history. Historic postcard © Darß-Museum

We look forward
to your visit!

Kur- und Tourismusbetrieb
Ostseebad Prerow
Gemeindeplatz 1
18375 Ostseebad Prerow

T +49 (382 33) 610 0
F +49 (382 33) 610 20
M info(at)ostseebad-prerow.de

Header picture: © René Roloff